1823 03 15 : Receipt for Carlisle abbey barn repairs

15 Mar 1823. RECEIPT FOR CARLISLE ABBEY BARN REPAIRS. A neat and clean receipt letter. 9” x 7”. C R 86 Dean & Chapter Abbey Barn &c Repairs £ 20 ~ 0 ~ 0 ——————————————- March 6th. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Dear Sir / I have to acknowledge the Receipt of the Sum of Twenty Pounds by Mr. EMMERSON from you, being the Amount of dilapidation’s as fixed by Mr. MACHELL to be paid by Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. to the Dean & Chapter of Carlisle for the Abbey Barn –– I have also by the same person received the Counterparts of 4 Leases, and send you herewith the Leases executed by the Dean & Chapter I am my Dear Sir always very faithfully Abbey Carlisle yours &c March 15th. 1823 [signed] Thos. HUDSON