1865 04 04 : Penrith postmaster's account

04 Apr 1865. PENRITH POSTMASTER’S ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account with an Inland Revenue one penny stamp. 6” x 12”. C 352 R 10 Thos. NANSON, Postmaster. £ 4 . 8 . 2 ——————————- April 4. 1865. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith April 1st 1865 Sir G. MUSGRAVE Bart. To T. NANSON £ s d Jan 6 1d stamps 1 . . “ Miss MUSGRAVE . . 6 7 Money order Commission . . 3 “ ~~~~~~~~~~~ . . 6 11 ~~~~~~~ . . 6 13 Wm STANLEY Esqr. . . 1 20 3 Money order Commissions . 1 6 25 Wm STANLEY Esqr. . . 1 29 Miss MUSGRAVE . . 1 31 ~~~~ . . 1 Feby 1 Money order Commission . . 3 3 ~~~~~~~ . . 3 9 ~~~ . . 6 10 Miss MUSGRAVE . . 1 16 Money order Commission . . 3 “ 1d stamps 20/- 2d 10/- 4d 5/- 6d 5/- 2 . . 17 Money order Commission . . 3 21 Miss MUSGRAVE . . 6 Mar 7 Money order Commission . . 3 25 Lady MUSGRAVE . . 6 26 R. C. MUSGRAVE Esqr . . 1 27 ~~~~~~~ . . 1 28 ~~~~~ . . 2 29 Miss MUSGRAVE . . 2 30 Money order Commission . . 3 For Keeping Postage Account 1 1 —————— £ 4 8 2 ======== Settled for T. NANSON [signed] G [?] READ April 4th 1865
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