1806 05 23 : Account for cutting Sceugh Hill drains

23 May 1806. ACCOUNT FOR CUTTING SCEUGH HILL DRAINS. A neat and clean receipt. 3” x 8”. C R Michl. HODGSON Skeugh drains 10 . 15 . 6 ———————————- 23d. May 1806 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir John C. MUSGRAVE Bart. To Michl. HODGSON & Co. Debtr. To cutting 419 Roods of drains on Skeugh hill at 6D 10 . 9 . 6 To 1½ lb of gunpowder for blasting “ 2 . 6 To Michl. HODGSON one days work “ 2 . 6 To sharping tools “ 1 . ~ ——————- 10 . 15 . 6 May 23d. 1806 Recd. ten pounds fifteen Shillings & six pence for the above by payment of Joseph BRISCO by me [signed] Michael HODGSON
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