1783 04 05 : 02 : Edenhall housekeeping expenses accounts

05 Apr 1783 (2). EDENHALL HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSES ACCOUNTS. Fresh, neat and clean accounts and receipts. Three documents – the last two are are accounts/receipts for items on the first account. C. 152. R. 56. Sundry. Persons Houskeeping 8 : 10 : 6 5th: April 1783 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundry. Articles Houskeepg. till Old Ladyday 1783 1782. Thos: DIXON wheat for Mr. MUSGRAV’s 0 : 19 : 6 1783. Febr: 4. Geor. RELPH Candles &c 1 : 4 : 0 25. Do. a Side of Pork for Servants 0 : 11 : 0 Apr: 5. An: BROWN Houskeepg: 6 months 5 : 16 : 0 —————- 8 : 10 : 6 —————- 5th. April 1783. Placed to Sir Ph: MUSGRAV’s Accot: Eight pounds ten Shillings & Six pence in full of the above Accot: by me [signed] Christ: DOBSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geor. RELPH Candles &c 1 : 4 : 0 4. Febr. 1783 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Phillip MUSGRAVE Bar~ Bot. of Geo RELPH 1732 l s d Octr: 14 3 Dozn of Cand~. 6/ 0 ~ 18 ~ 0 Decr. 3 16 of Tallo 4½ 6 ~ 0 ——————- £ 1 ~ 4 ~ 0 Recd. Feby. 4.. 1783 by the payment of Mr. DOBSON the above In full per [signed] George RELPH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anne BROWN Houskeeping 5 : 16 : 0 5. April 1783 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5th. April 1783 Recd: of Sir Ph: MUSGRAVE by Chr: DOBSON five pounds & Sixteen Shillings in full for six Months Disburstments for Houskeeping at Edenhall till this day by me [signed] Ann BROWN
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