1818 02 13 : 02 : Account for paint for church and castle

13 Feb 1818 (2). ACCOUNT FOR PAINT FOR CHURCH AND CASTLE. A neat and clean detailed account. 5” x 7”. No 5 Thos. TITLEY Paint 19s/7d½ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE To Thos. TITLEY Dr 1817 For Church April 29 To 6lb paint 1lb sph Brown 3 qur Oil 8 “ 10 For Castle Octr. 21 To Oil paint & pitch 3 “ 0½ 24 To Dore Latch 1 “ 3 29 To Oil paint 1 “ 5 Decr. 4 To Oil paint Turpintine Dore latch 3 “ 10½ 13 To Oil paint Turpintine 1 “ 2½ ——————- Recd of L S DIXON by the 19 “ 7½ payment of William ROBINSON the above bill by me 1818 Feby 13 Settled [signed] Thos. TITLEY
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