1818 02 13 : 01 : Detailed slater's account for Hartley Castle

13 Feb 1818 (1). DETAILED SLATER’S ACCOUNT FOR HARTLEY CASTLE. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 7” x 6”. 1818 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. Dr to Joseph SAYER Do for Slating at Hartley Castle Repairing all the old Slate on all the Buildings and taking of Slate of the Back Bire and Stabel and Pointing the Same £ s d 1817 to 2 Rood & 30 yards of Slating at 18s Per Rood 2 7 0 to Pointing 0 12 0 Novonber 14 5 Days at 3s & 6d Per Day 0 17 6 do do do 24 2 Days & 3¼ 0 9 7 ½ Januany 10 2 Days 0 7 0 do do do 17 2 Days 0 7 0 do do do 31 3 Days ½ 0 12 3 Febry 13 4 Days 0 14 0 ———————- Recd of L S DIXON by the £ 6 6 4 ½ payment of William ROBINSON ————————- by me [signed] Joseph SAYER