1823 04 24 : Receipt for a Galloway milch cow

Update on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 2:21PM by
Petra Mitchinson

24 Apr 1823. RECEIPT FOR A GALLOWAY MILCH COW. A neat and clean receipt. 3” x 6”. C R 129 L. S. DIXON A Milch Cow bought £ 7 ~ 7 ~ 6 ————————————— April 24. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ April 24. 1823, Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s account Seven Pounds 7s/6d. paid for a Galloway Cow 4 years old bought this day at Penrith Fair, for the use of Edwd HART ——————— £ 7 ~ 7 ~ 6 [signed] L S DIXON ———————