1857 02 24 : 01 : Chemist's account for the stables

24 Feb 1857 (1). CHEMIST’S ACCOUNT FOR THE STABLES. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account with a one penny stamp. 12” x 7”. C 18 R 188. Mrs: BURTHWICK Chemist, Stables &c. £ 4 “ 17 “ 6 ————————————- February 24, 1857 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith. Sir Geo: MUSGRAVE. Bart. Stable a/c To W. J. BURTHWICK Dr 1856 Jan 16 Pt Gallipoli Oil “ 9 . 22 1 dozen Bots Blacking 1/6 18 “ Feb 2 Ointment for Dogs “ 6 March 11 1 Gall Neatsfoot Oil 6 8 . April 16 1Qt Gallipoli Oil 1 6 22 Olive Oil 1/6. 29. Olive Oil 3/- (S. Keeper) 4 6 . 30 1 gall Neatsfoot Oil 6 8 . June 2 3oz Glauber Salts 1 “ 4 2 - Qts Olive Oil (Sweeps) 5 “ July 16 1 Pt Gallipoli Oil 1 “ Aug 8 Qt Turpentine abt 1/6. 1oz Stavesacre 9d 2 3 26 1 gall Train Oil 4 6 Sept 4 ½ gall Naptha 5 “ 13 Qt Sweet Oil 1/4. 24 7oz Linseed 1/6 2 10 . Oct 8 1 gall Neatsfoot Oil 6 8 . 10 14oz Linseed 3/- 14. 1 gal Naptha 10/- 13 “ 24 1 gall Neatsfoot Oil 6 8 Dec 5 1 gall Naptha 10 “ 17 2oz Epsom Salts 1 “ ——————- £ 4 17 6 ======== By Cash. Feby. 24th. 1857 [signed] Tom REDFERN