1751 06 12 : Edenhall tithe corn rent receipt

Update on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 10:09PM by
Petra Mitchinson

12 Jun 1751. EDENHALL TITHE CORN RENT RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 2” x 7”. C. 232. R. 103. Mrs: CRAWFORD Edenl: Tythe 21 : 0 : 0 12. June 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. June 1751. Recd: of Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: twenty Guineas in full for one yrs. Rent for Edenhall Tythe Corn due last Whits: to ye Honble: Mrs: CRAWFORD for whose use I say Recd: by me [signed] Chr DOBSON