1754 08 27 : 02 : Receipt for Lupton demesne taxes

27 Aug 1754 (2). RECEIPT FOR LUPTON DEMESNE TAXES. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. Taxes for Lupton Demesn 1753 A Yrs. Landtax endg: at Lady day 1754 1 : 6 : 10 A Yrs. Poorcess endg: at Easter 1754 1 : 6 : 10 A Yrs. Countystock endg: at May day 1754 0 : 13 : 5 A Yrs. Church Cess endg: at Do. 0 : 13 : 5 —————— 4 : 0 : 6 —————— 27. August 1754 – Recd: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Christo: DOBSON four pounds & six pence in full of the above by [signed] Hen. STEPHENSON To be placed to Sr. Philip’s Accot: a portion of } 0 : 10 : 3 the Taxes for Lupton Demn: ye preceeding Year } —————- 4 : 10 : 9
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