1826 12 21 : Edenhall schoolmaster's account for charity boys

21 Dec 1826. EDENHALL SCHOOLMASTER’S ACCOUNT FOR CHARITY BOYS. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 6” x 7”. C 94. R 61. T: IRELAND Edenhl. Schoolmaster £ 1 “ 11 “ 6 ————————————— December 21st. 1826 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir P. MUSGRAVE, Bart. M.P. To T. IRELAND Dr. Decr. 21st, 1826. To the following boys (put to school on charity) } for a quarter’s tuition, each, at 4s. ~ 6d. per quar- } £. s. d. ter: Ino. NOBLE & P. [T.?] DAWSON from Sepr. 18th. to Decr. 18th. } 1 “ 2 “ 6 Wm. WESTERN & Ino. WRIGHT from Sepr. 25th. to Decr. 25th. } Douglas WATSON from Octr. 30th. to Jany. 30th. } To Christr. SANDERSON from Sepr. 4th. to Decr. 4th. } To Peter SANDERSON from Sepr. 25th. to Decr. 25th. } 9 “ 0 Put to school on Lady MUSGRAVE’s charity. } ———————— £ 1 “ 11 “ 0 Settled ——————- ————————