1750 10 31 : Blacksmith's monthly account for October 1750

31 Oct 1750. BLACKSMITH’S MONTHLY ACCOUNT FOR OCTOBER 1750. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 7” x 10”. Jonathan COUPER the black Smith bill ————————————————————————————————— oct the 1 1750 ————————————————————————————————— for 2 Shoues boll 0 1 0 for 4 removes duck hors 0 0 6 for 4 Shoues Sqerl 0 1 8 for 2 Shoues 2 removes jeyny [?] 0 0 10 the 7 for winter mending 0 0 2 for 2 hacks Sharping 0 0 2 the 10 for wheel gron 0 1 0 the 13 for 4 Shoues button 0 2 4 for 4 Shoues Cunsher [?] 0 2 0 for 4 removes jeney 0 0 4 for pump mending 0 1 0 for gron fork mending 0 0 2 the 16 for 4 Shoues black bird 0 2 4 for 4 Shoues tinker hors 0 2 0 for 1 Shoue toby 0 0 6 for a pair yhams mending 0 0 3 for 3 clouts for dubel Cart 0 1 0 the 18 for 4 Shoues durgen 0 2 0 for 4 Shoues young boal [?] 0 2 0 for 4 Shoues maid for wheel barra 0 0 2½ for nails 0 0 2 the 24 for 2 Shoues gray hors 0 0 8 for 2 Stapls 0 0 4 for 3 Shoues Roben 0 1 0 for 2 Shoues brandy 0 0 10 the 26 for 4 Shoues old joley 0 2 0 for 4 Shoues duck hors 0 2 0 for 2 Shoues 2 removes boal Coker 0 1 3½ for 4 removes bay meair Coker 0 0 5 for 4 removes punch Coker 0 0 7 the 31 for 1 Shoue 3 removes toby Coker 0 0 11 for 4 removes janey Coker 0 0 5 for 4 removes Jeyny meair Coker 0 0 5 ——————- Total in Octr: 1 = 12 = 6 ——————-

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