1851 04 19 : Lancaster & Carlisle Railway way-bills

19 Apr 1851. LANCASTER & CARLISLE RAILWAY WAY-BILLS. Two neat railway documents, fixed together at their top lefthand corners. Hand written entries into these printed form are transcribed in italics. The bottom line of the first way-bill was cut off. The printed Conditions of Carriage were from the back of the first way-bill. No. 2. J. WILKINSON Carrier 8/5 —————————— April 19. 1851 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith April 16th. 1851 Sir Geo MUSGRAVE To the LANCASTER AND CARLISLE RAILWAY CO. Dr. The under-mentioned Goods have arrived here to your Address, and lie at your risk; you will please take Notice that they must be removed this day. FROM NO. OF PACKAGES. SPECIES OF GOODS. MARKS. WEIGHT. T.C.QRS.LBS RATE. PAID ON TOTAL. 247 3 5 Casks Flasks 1 Pcl Tied } } Gross 5 1 . 7 11 Settled [signed] J WILKINSON NOTICE.-The Directors require the Carriage to be Paid on Delivery, unless the Consignee has a Ledger Account with the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith Aprl 10 1851 Sir G MUSGRAVE To the LANCASTER AND CARLISLE RAILWAY CO. Dr. The under-mentioned Goods have arrived here to your Address, and lie at your risk; you will please take Notice that they must be removed this day. FROM NO. OF PACKAGES. SPECIES OF GOODS. MARKS. WEIGHT. T. C. QRS. LBS. RATE. PAID ON TOTAL. As Car. 1 Bar 1Pket Iron YOUNG 1 0 12 6 Settled [signed] J WILKINSON NOTICE.-The Directors require the Carriage to be Paid on Delivery, unless the Consignee has a Ledger Account with the Company.-N. B. For Conditions of Carriage by this Company, see the back hereof ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE LANCASTER AND CARLISLE RAILWAY COMPANY GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE, That they will not be accountable for any articles, unless the same be signed for as received by their Clerks or Agents. Nor will they be responsible for the Loss of, or Damage done to, Money in Cash, or Bills or Promissory Notes, or Securities for Money, Jewellery, Trinkets, Rings, Precious Stones, Bullion, Gold and Silver, manufactured or unmanufactured, Gold and Silver Plate, or Plated Articles, Clocks, Watches, Time-Pieces, Marbles, Lace, Furs, Silks, whether wrought up or not wrought up with other Materials, Writings, Title Deeds, Prints, Paintings, Maps, Engravings, Pictures, Stamps, or other valuables; nor for Damage done to China, Glass, Wearing Apparel, Musical Instruments, Furniture, Toys, Castings, or any such hazardous or brittle articles, in Packages or otherwise, unless the same be declared as such, and insured according to their value, and paid for at the time of delivery to the Company; nor for loss or damage arising from Fire, the act of God, or civil commotion. Nor for the Loss of or Damage done to Goods put into returned Wrappers or Boxes, or packages described as Empties; nor of any Goods left until called for, or to order, or war housed for the convenience of the parties to whom they belong, or by, or to whom they are consigned. Nor for the Loss or Damage of any Packages insufficiently or improperly packed, marked, directed, or described, or containing a variety of articles liable by breaking to damage each other, or other articles; nor for Leakage arising from bad casks or bad cooperage, or from fermentation. Nor for any Loss or Damage as to any Goods whatsoever, by reason of accidental or unavoidable delays in transit, or otherwise. Senders of any dangerous article will be held accountable for any damage arising therefrom, or thereto, unless the contents are described as such upon the direction, that due care may be observed in the handling; and in no case will the Company be liable for the loss of any such article; and the Company will not undertake the Carriage of Gunpowder, Aquafortis, Vitriol, Ardent Spirits, Lucifer or Congreve Matches, on any terms whatever. All Goods, from whomsoever received, or to whomsoever belonging, are subject to a LIEN, not only for the Freight of the particular Goods but also for any general Balance that may be due from the Owners, Consigners, or Consignees; and if in fourteen days after the Company first received the Goods, the money due be not paid, they will be sold by auction, and the proceeds applied towards satisfaction of such Lien and expenses. All Goods will be subject to a charge for demurrage, if not removed from the Company’s Premises within Three Days after arrival and Fish, Fruit, Meal, Poultry, or other perishable articles, are conveyed at the Owner’s risk, and will be immediately sold to secure Freight, if it be not paid when such articles arrive at the Railway Terminus, or are offered for delivery. No claim for Loss or Damage for which the Company are accountable will be allowed, unless made on the day of arrival of the Goods; and the delivery of such Goods will be considered as complete when the notice of arrival is rendered to the Consignee; or, if carted out by the Company, when the Goods are unloaded at the door of the Consignee’s place of business or abode, they will afterwards be at the Owner’s risk. All Empties not taken away within ONE MONTH after their arrival will be sold by auction to defray expenses.

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