1791 12 24 : Labourers' wages account

24 Dec 1791. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. A neat and clean detailed account. 8” x 6”. Labourers from the 12th. till the 24th. Decr. 1791. No. Labourers Names ~ No. of Days Price per day Payments Wages ~ 1 Francis BURN 12 14½ Paid – 14 6 2 John STORY 8½ 12 Paid – 8 6 3 John POWLEY 11 20 Paid – 18 4 4 Edwd. NICOLSON 11½ 16 Paid – 15 4 5 Jos. WESTMORLAND 10½ 12 Paid – 10 6 6 John SANDERSON 10½ 12 Paid – 10 6 7 Thos. SANDERSON 11½ 9 Paid – 8 7½ 8 James BURN 11 9 Paid – 8 3 9 Jos. WESTRA 7½ 6 Paid – 3 9 10 Christr. WESTRA 7½ 6 Paid – 3 9 5 2 – ½ ————————— 24th. Decr. 1791 Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s Account five pounds two Shillings and a half penny for Wages paid to the above Labourers till this day by me [signed] Jona: OLDMAN