1851 05 20 : Printed taxidermist's billhead/account

20 May 1851. PRINTED TAXIDERMIST’S BILLHEAD/ACCOUNT. A fresh, neat and clean early printed detailed taxidermist’s account. 6” x 5”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. C 240. R 41. Ph: TURNER Bird Stuffer £ 3 “ 5 “ 6 ————————- May 20. 1851. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir George MUSGRAVE Bat. Penrith, 1851 P H I L I P T U R N E R , ANIMAL AND BIRD PRESERVER, Dr PENRITH. 1850 Der~~. 27 To Stuffing 1 Solen Goose - - 10 6 To Do 1 Eider Duck 8 6 To Do 1 Rabit - - 6 6 To Do 1 Petril - - 3 6 To 1 Globe of Foreign Birds - - 17 6 To 4 Ruffs & Reves 4/- Each 16 – To 1 Camelion - - 3 0 ——————- £ 3 5 6 ===== May 20 1851 Settld [signed] Philip TURNER
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