1820 12 12 : Account for threshing

02 Dec 1820. ACCOUNT FOR THRESHING. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 6” x 8”. Sir Phillip MUSGRAVE Bart To John WILSON Dr. 1820 Bush S d Novr. 7th To Threshing 4 of Barley at 8d pr 2 “ 8 Do . . . . 2 -1Peck of Peese at Do 1 “ 6 Do . . . . 2 Rye at Do . “ 4 ––– 28th Do . . .17Qurtrs. - 11 Oats 1S:2d pr £1 “ 0 “ 0½ ——————— £ 1 “ 4 “ 6½ ———————- December 2d. 1820 his Settled the above John + WILSON mark Witness [signed] Richd HETHERINGTON
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