1818 11 04 : Carlisle canal navigation subscription letter

04 Nov 1818. CARLISLE CANAL NAVIGATION SUBSCRIPTION LETTER. A fresh, very neat and clean postally used letter. 7” x 7”. [This summary on back of letter has been transcribed from what could be seen shining through the paper on the image of the front of the letter. Large dark blob obscuring part of the writing.] C [ ] R 20 [ ]ion of Ca[rlisle] Canal £ 10 ~ 0 ~ 0 ————————— Novr. 4th. 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Circular post mark, distorted and not very clear] CARLISLE 30 OC8 1818 298 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. (or his Steward) Edenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir You are hereby required to pay into the Banks of Messrs FORSTER or Messrs GRAHAM & Co, or to Mr Wm HALTON Mr HUTCHINSON or Mr ROWLAND the Treasurer the Sum of £10, being the first Call of 2 per Cent upon the Amount of your Subscription to the Carlisle Canal Navigation. By order of the Committee of Management, [signed] W. NANSON Secretary Carlisle October 30th 1818