1827 10 11 : Receipt for 10 longhorned heifers

11 Oct 1827. RECEIPT FOR 10 LONGHORNED HEIFERS. A neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. C 114. R 152. Jos: DIXON 10 Long Horn’d Heifers £ 112 “ 0 “ 0 ——————————————- October 11th. 1827. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Octbr. 11. 1827. Received of the Revd. Sir C. J. MUSGRAVE by payment of L S DIXON One Hundred & Twelve Pounds /10s for 10 Longhorned Heifers at 11£/5s per head returning 10s/- by me 10 at 11£/5s = 112 . 10 } returned – 10 } [signed] Joseph DIXON —————— } £ 112 –– }
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