1816 12 03 : 02 : Land rent for Evenwood Common, Co. Durham

03 Dec 1816 (2). LAND RENT FOR EVENWOOD COMMON, CO. DURHAM. A small printed receipt. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. 3d Day of Decem. 1816 RECEIVED of Sir Philip MUSGROVE Bart. the Sum } £. s. d. of one Pound 2s & 7d ¾ being one Year’s } Rent, due and payable to the Lord Bishop of DURHAM, at Mar- } 1. 2. 7 ¾ tinmas, 1816 for Land allotted on the Division of Evenwood } Common to Ralph CARR Esqre. Acquittance, “ “ 8 ——————— 1. 3. 3 ¾ Property Tax allowed out of the above Rent, “ 11 ¾ ——————— £. 1. 2. 4 [signed] C [or P?] FORSTER