1821 09 29 : Tuition account for eight poor children

Update on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 1:17PM by
Petra Mitchinson

29 Sep 1821. TUITION ACCOUNT FOR EIGHT POOR CHILDREN. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. Sir P. MUSGRAVE Bart. to Wm. KENDALL Dr. Tuition for 8 Poor Children ¼ of a year i.e. from Midsummer to Michaelmas 1821. s d viz Two for Thos. WATSON 8 ~ 0 Ino. WESTERN 8 ~ 0 Ino. PUGMIRE 8 ~ 0 Ino. WRIGHT 8 ~ 0 ——————- 1 ~ 12 ~ 0 Recd. the above this 29th. day of Sept. 1821 [signed] Wm. KENDALL