1782 06 08 : Labourers' wages account

08 Jun 1782. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. Bundle 58, Doc 41. 20.5 cm x 16 cm. There is an ink blotch over the 10d in Robert CANNON’s pay (although the column has been added up correctly), and this may possibly be the reason why in the next wages table two weeks later an extra 10d is added with the remark “Errour in Robt. CAN~ONs”. C. 140. R. 78. Christ: DOBSON Labourers. 6 : 5 : 9, 8. June 1782 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labourers from ye 27th. of May till ye 8th: of June 1782. No. Labourer. No. of days price per day Receiv’d by Wages £ s d 1 Ino. STORY 5 14 Ino: STORY’s | | | Mark – 5 10 2 Edwd. NICOLSON 6 18 Ed: NICOLSON’s X M~k – 9 – 3 Ino. POWLEY 6 6 21 } 18 } [signed] John POWLEY – 19 6 4 Wm: WILSON 4 16 [signed] wm WILSON – 5 4 5 Rd: HETHERINGTON 10 14 [signed] Richd HETHERINGTON – 11 8 6 Jos: WESTMORLAND 11 14 Jo: WESTMORLANDs X M~k – 12 10 7 Tho: RICHARDSON 12 6 [signed] Thos: RICHARDSON – 6 – 8 Robt: CANNON 11 14 Robt CANNON – 12 10 9 Jno. SANDERSON 12 14 [signed] John SANDERSON – 14 – 10 His Wife 1¾ 8 Do: – 1 2 11 His Son 12 7 Do: – 7 – 12 Geor: ROOKEN 11 9 Geor: ROOKEN’s X M~k – 8 3 13 His Daughter 5 6 Ditto – 2 6 2 Wallers 4 24 [signed] John WRIGHT – 8 – 2 Women 2¾ 8 [signed] Ann BLANE – 1 10 6 : 5 : 9 8th: June 1782. Placed to Sir Ph: MUSGRAVEs Accot: Six pounds five Shillings & nine pence in full for Wages paid to the above Labourers till this day by me [signed] Christ: DOBSON