1787 05 21 : Letter with news from Kirkby Stephen
21 May 1787. LETTER WITH NEWS FROM KIRKBY STEPHEN. Bundle 60, Doc 28. 21 cm x 16.5 cm. Remains of a red seal obscuring place name and corresponding hole where seal was torn but missing writing is stuck to the seal. Two small tears. John RAILTON 21. May 1787 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Mr. DOBSON at Edenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirbys[tephe]n May ye. 21st. 1787 Sir / I have recd. 5 letters from you since I wrote one to you for I have bean from home a fortneth I have been at Sunderland to see my Brothers. I have not got to Bleatarn yet but shall go tomorrow and then I shall wright again on Friday by SCOTT I will see Mr. PARK before then if he is at home. I shall endeavr to get the yearly value of Agness WHITEHEADs and Chrs: RODGERSSONs lands. John KNEWSTOB is dead and he had a Cotage house and garden at Soulby he has left some childeren the eldest Son is fest a parish prentice near Mounkwearmouth the rest is in the work house there the son name is John. Thos. HAMILTON sais Brother Jos. house will not take 4 Roods of Slait the first Wednesday after Whitnesday is the Spiretual Court holden at Apelby on that Day and Thos. HUTTON is put in for Church warden so he cannot be at home that day. I have seen Mr. PARK to day he wants to know if you Intend to hould a Court at Bleatarn if not he will send his deads down to you. I have look’d at the Ash tree in Potgill it is four foot 6 Inch long to the first branch and girds 4 foot, above it may be wood for gate bars a few of the top branches has been broken of by the wind he sais he will referr the vallue of it to your self I have spoken to both BRADLEY & ISLIP about the bark they both say that they will give as good a price as any is Sold at answering the same measuer. I shall set out some Birch Wood for John DAWSON in the Riggs, they are forst to sink a nother Shaft they cannot get the other down for want of air. Thos. ATKINSON will see you next weak at Penrith if you are there. I am Sir your most obedt. servt to command [signed] John RAILTON
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