1787 06 22 : Copy of letter about fine and assessments
22 Jun 1787. COPY OF LETTER ABOUT FINE AND ASSESSMENTS. Bundle 60, Doc 33. 16.5 cm x 10 cm. The copy was written on an old piece of paper which on the back had a table for barley for malt which was never completed. Copy of a Lr. to Mr NICOLSON 22 June 1787 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Sir 22 June This will come by Mr. OLDMAN to compound wth ye Chaptr: for St. Cuthbts. Tithe who I have desir’d to wait upon You & must beg the favr. of yor. Assistance especially in Ascertaining Miss ye. Miss WAUG[Hs] Share of ye fine for ye. Tith Barn Sir Philip was assess’d ye last renewal far more than a Year & half value as the Rent was reduc’d to 30£. per An~ that very year & has continued so ever since, I have now let it from ys Midsr at 40£: per An~ So that Sr. Philip’s fine after deductg. 10:10:0 Yearly Rent will amount to 44:5.0, besides the Miss WAUGHs share for ye. Barn this represention of the Fact to ye Chaptr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big 1785 for malt B P 10