1687 10 15 : Instruction to transfer £75

15 Oct 1687. INSTRUCTION TO TRANSFER £75. Bundle 3, Doc 1. 19 cm x 15 cm. Two small holes. Mr. DOBSON £ s 75 . 00 . 00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 15th. 1687. / Received then of Edward HUBBALD the Contents of this Bill being Seventy five Pounds ————————- £ 75 : 00 : 00 ————————- [signed] Ja: DOBSON ————————- Wittnesse [signed] James AYREY Servt to Geo: WATT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. HUBBALD October 15: 1687 —————————— I pray you pay to Mr. James DOBSON or his order ye sum~e } £ s d of seaventy five pounds upon ye Account of ye right Honll~ Ld } 75 – 00 – 00 Viscount DOWNES. And place ye same to ye Account of } Yr Loveing Friend To Mr Edward [signed] Chris~: MUSGRAVE HUBBALD at his house in ye Tower