1708 12 09 : To do list, draft letter & draft contract

09 Dec 1708. TO DO LIST, DRAFT LETTER & DRAFT CONTRACT. Bundle 4, Doc 47. 31 cm x 19 cm. Dirty at one edge. This appears to be a sheet with rough copies by the agent Jeffrey BECK of various letters etc. The instructions on the first page are for Thomas NELSON, the steward at Hartley, in preparation for the visit by Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE when holding courts in Westmorland. Thomas NELSON Let some body ask Wm HARKER in Getting a good Quantaty of wood for the Kitching and hall fire and other fires for the Court day. Buy of munday att Kirby Stephen one good Quarter of mutton and the Best hinder Quarter of veale a pece of Bacon 9 pound of good Cheese a pound of Candles one dozen & a halfe of Bread Rem~ber to tell the butcher to get you a good Quarter of mutton against Thursday Tuesday in the evening provide a Rack of mutton with Good Broath : and the Liver of the doe fryed that Will~ HARKER his to Kill Wednesday noon provide one hanch of venson Boyled one side Rosted one Leg of veale and Bacon Boyled one Bread puding and one shoulder of mutton Rosted Rem~ber to Boyle another hanch of venson that day for the servants Table Wednesday att night one Brest of mutton and a Brest of vele Boyled some of the hanch of venson hashed. Thursday night a side of venson Rosted & a shoulder of mutton Rosted Friday night a Rack of mutton with Broth and the side Rosted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 9 1708 Honerend honr Sr youe have inclosed the last months acct and Receipts and Disbursmts and 2 Bills per 70£: which yor honr will be pleased to put to Sr Christophers acct. I am honoured with yor Last of the 30th of that [?] ultimo and will press of all of all yor. Crediters how to get yor money in 3 months time; I have advised with Jane POTS & Abram the lining and I find four parres of sheets that she says was left for the french viprety [?] & there is as much Cloath in the house as will make two parre more which will make 5 parre If yoe please I shall buy as much shall make another parre ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That is to say one fire here one Rakne [?] Two dalles [?] of Ground Lying in a Close Called Flats one other parcell of Ground Called the bank and Low holme one other parcell of Ground Called seald hill one other parcell of Ground Called Thorney Bothome one other parcell Called dam [?] head one other parcell Called dam head and other Close Called plather [?] one other Close Called Rover Culmye [?] in all 12 Aqres *** **** 12 acres