1733 02 15 : Bleatarn Court of Dimissions verdict

15 Feb 1732/3. BLEATARN COURT OF DIMISSIONS VERDICT. Bundle 5, Doc 27. 30 cm x 18.5 cm. 2 small holes. The Court of Dimissions was a court to which tenants came to surrender their tenancies and be admitted tenants. Beatarn Verdict Feb: 15oth. 1732 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maner~ De } Cur~ Dimission~ Chr~i MUSGRAVE Barrtti. D~ni man~ij prd~ Bleatarn } tent~ apud Bleatarn in & pro man~io prd~ Decimo quinto die Februarij An~o D~ni 1732 per Thomam SIMPSON gen~ Seneschall~ Cur~ prd~ No~ia Jur~ ad inquirend~ pro D~no man~ij prd~ r Joh~es RICHARDSON } Thomas LAMBERT r } r Ric~us RICHARDSON Senr. } Tho: ABRAHAMS r } r Chr~us RUDD } Geo: PARK r } r Joh~es WILSON } Jur~ Ric~us RICHARDSON Junr. r } Jur~ r Joh~es LAMB } Chr~us STEADMAN r } r Antonius CARLETON } Isaac WILSON r } Wm. SPOONER r } Qui quidem Jur~ jurat~ & ordat~ Dicunt & prsentant in his Anglicanis ve[rbi]s Sequen~ vizt. We Do prsent Thos. HOLYDAY Bought of Edwd. HOLYDAY a mansion house – half of a barn: - a parrack [?] adjoyning to ye. sd. barn a garth Caled High garth and all ye. Closes and Inclosers formerly Belonging to ye. sd. mansion house – By Deed Dated first day of Decembr. 1729 £ s d Rent –– –– –– –– –– 1 : – 9 : 0 [signed] John RICHARDSON fore man