1714 11 22 : Thomas NELSON's account

22 Nov 1714. THOMAS NELSON’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 4, Doc 51. 39 cm x 32 cm. Folded in half. Thomas NELSON was the steward at Hartley. 22 Novbr 1714 Thos. NELSON Accts Stated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A State of Thomas NELSON Accounts from ye. 28th. July 1712 to ye. 22th. Novbr. 1714 £ s d Received by Tho. NELSON as by his Book } Receipts for Grove Timbr., Stoprice, } Chopps, Duty of ye. Smelt Mill, Duty } 97 = 19 = 4 of Copper Oare, and Lead Sold &c } Recd. for Wood Sold in ye. Heaning } as by ye. perticulars in ye. Sale Bill } 09 = 02 = 0½ appears } Recd. per Do. for joyst in ye. Park and } out-wood, Sheep sold and Tyth &c. } 55 = 17 = 6 as by ye. perticulars appears } —————————— 162 = 18 = 10½ —————————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discharge as by Disbursments Paid for Turning & Carriage of } Grove Timber, Chopps, & Stoprice } also Smelting ye. Lead oar and } 28 = 17 = 1½ Repairs of ye. Mill &c. } Paymts. as by perticulars for } Assessmts., Prescriptions, & Clark, } Wage, Dyet Bill, Husbandry } and Repairs also Building A } 93 = 13 = 3½ new Kilne, & payments to John } KIRKHAM in Cash } Disbursmts. Concerning ye. Sale } of ye. Ash Wood in ye. Heaning } 01 = 02 = 0 as by perticulars appears } Paid for Provisions & Nessessarys } in ye. House ye. Time of Sr. Chrisr. } and Mr. DAWSON, being there as } 09 = 03 = 5 by perticulars appears } —————————- 132 = 15 = 10 Recd ye 22d Novbr: 1714 of Thos. NELSON the } Sum~e of Thirty Pounds Three Shillings } 030 : 03 : 0½ and one halfepeny being the Ballance of } this Acct. due to Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart } ————————— for whose use I say Recd } 162 : 18 : 10½ ————————— per me [signed] Chr GIBSON