1661 05 09 : Bond for debt of £103 by Christopher MUSGRAVE et al.

09 May 1661. BOND FOR DEBT OF £103 BY CHRISTOPHER MUSGRAVE ET AL. Bundle 2, Doc 5. 31 cm x 38 cm, folded in half. Signatures and seals torn off at bottom right. Mr. MUSGRAVE &c in 200£ to pay 103£. on the 10th of Novr. 1661. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novint omn~si per presentes nos Christopheru~ MUSGRAVE de Greys Inne in Cou~ Middx~ gen~ Thoma~ DOREBARRE Civem et Carpenter Lond~ et Gulielmu~ MUSGRAVE Civem et Plaisterer Lon~ ~ “ ~ “ ~ tendri et firmiter Obligari Anne CAWSEBY de Sanct~ Mari~ Whitechapell als~ MATHESON in Cou~ Middx~ Vidd~ in ducentis libris bona et legalis monetæ Angliæ Solvend~ eidem Anne CAWSEBY aut suæ Certæ Attornat~ executor vel adm~strat~ suis Adquam quidem soluconem bene et fideliter facid~nd obligamus nos et otri~que uri~ per se pro tot~ et in solid~ heredes executor~ et adm~strator~ uros~ firmiter per presentes Sigillis uris~ Sigillat~ dat Nono die Maij Anno Dni~ 1661 et anno regni Dni~ nostri Caroli secundi dei gratiâ Angliæ Scotiæ Franc~ et Hibirnæ Regis fidei denfensor &c desimo tertio. / The Condic~on of this Obligac~on is such that if the above bounden Christopher MUSGRAVE Tho: DOREBARRE & Will~ MUSGRAVE or either of them their or either of their heires exec~s. adm~strato~s. or assignes doe and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid onto the above named Anne CAWSEBY hir exec~s. adm~strato~s. or assignes the sum~e of One hundred & three Poundes of Lawfull English money on the tenth day of November next insueing the Date above written without fraude or further delay: That then this Obligac~on to be void & of none effect; Or else to stand and remayne in full force and virtue. / Sealed & delivered in the pr~ce of [signed] Chri[ ] [signed] Jonathan LODINGTON [other signatures and seals [signed] Alexr: DAVIES. Sce~ torn off completely] [signed] John HOW his Servt.