1700s early (B04D02) : List of fines for manor of Edenhall

Early 1700s? LIST OF FINES FOR MANOR OF EDENHALL. Bundle 4, Doc 2. 32 cm x19 cm. Very dirty on the back. Appears an incomplete list as there are two empty columns on the right, and the second half of tenants has no amount against their names. No date. manrrin~ de } Acct. of the money *ne Ednall } Recd and Rests due for the Generall Fyne Mr John SANDERSON 02 10 00 Geo MARTIN 04 13 04 Robt COWPLAND 02 00 00 Henery MUSGRAVE 02 06 08 Thomas STAGG 02 06 08 James NELSON 17 10 00 Philip BIRKBECK 08 00 00 William JOHNSON 04 00 00 Chris~ GIBSON 16 00 00 Widd GIBSON 08 00 00 Richard TINKLER 07 10 00 John TINKLER 08 10 00 John ROBSON 06 13 04 Idem 00 08 00 Humphrey HETHERINGTON 04 10 00 Thomas DALTON 05 00 00 John WILLIAMSON Thomas SHEAREBURNE John DAYSON Chris~ HETHERINGTON John PARKER Thomas PARKER Stephen NELSON James SMITH Thomas HODGSHON Widd HODGSHON Wm COWPER John MILNER Rich NELSON Thomas NELSON Jennett STEPHENSON Stephen TODD Humphrey DALTON Wm THOMPSON John DALTON Thomas WAKEFIELD