1674 09 10 : Account of receipts and expenses for Penrith

10 Sep 1674. ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES FOR PENRITH. Bundle 2, Doc 19. 40 cm x 32 cm. Folded in half. Inside the document there are two pages next to each other, which refer across to each other. Due to reasons of space these had to be transcribed one after the after. Account about Penreth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penreth / Sr. Christ: MUSGRAVE is Dr. For Penreth accott: 1674 [or 1672 – one corrected to the other] for Money £ – s – d Rec~d of John TARNE 60 = 06 = 06 = Rec~d of Lady CARLETON Rentt Due att } Candlemas 1672 } 05 = 00 = 00 Rec~d of My Lady CARLTON upon Bond } Dew Augst 1673 } 07 = 10 = 00 ———————— 72 = 10 = 00 ———————— The Moyitye of the Ball~ is 29 = 15 = 02 Septembr: 10 John TARNE accott: for Penreth Dr: 1674 As per accott: 81 = 08 = 02 ———————— Per Contra Dr: To Ball~ per Contra 60 = 16 = 01 ———————— Per Contra Dr: To Ball~ per Contra 51 = 14 =01 ———————- Mr: John TARNE is Dr: when REID to be Devided betwixt them To Arrears per Contra 09 = 2 = 00 To Balance accott: per Contra 19 = 14 = 01 ———————— 28 = 16 = 01 ———————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Contra Creditors paid In Chardges for Rentt: and other } perticulers as Appears } 13 = 06 = 02 Rest to Ball~ the accott 59 = 10 = 04 ———————— 72 = 16 = 06 ———————— May 1o. pd of per Contra to Madam CHRISTIAN 20 = 00 = 00 1673 Dew to Mr: CHRISTIAN Rest to Ball~ 09 = 15 = 02 ———————— 29 = 15 = 02 ———————— Per Contra Crdr: By his Disbursmts: as per his accott 20 = 12 = 01 Rest to Ball~ 60 = 16 = 01 ———————— 81 = 08 = 2 Per Contra Credtr: ———————- By Arreares he is to be accomptable 09 = 02 = 00 Rest to Ball~ 51 = 14 = 01 ———————— 60 = 16 = 01 ———————— Per Contra Creditor By Cashe REID pd Mr: CHRISTIAN 32 = 00 = 00 John TARNE Dr: - Rest to Ball~ 19 = 14 = 01 ———————— 51 = 14 = 01 ———————— The Moytye of the 32£ is Dew to Sr. } Christopher = MUSGRAVE being } 16 = 00 = 00 ———————— Dew to Mr: CHRISTIAN as above 09 = 15 = 2 ———————— Then Rest Dew to Sr } 06 = 04 = 10 Christopher } ————————