1709 01 24 : Rent receipt for Hills and Bridgend Close

24 Jan 1708/9. RENT RECEIPT FOR HILLS AND BRIDGEND CLOSE. Bundle 5, Doc 17. 20 cm x 15.5 cm. Some damp staining. There are numerous scribbled calculations on this receipt plus what looks like some writing practice, and the out of context name “Tho JACKSON” on the back. These scribbles have not been transcribed. January 24 1708 Recd of Mr Jos~ua TILLAM } The Sum of Eight pounds ten shillings } £ s for Rent of Hills and Bredgend Close } due to the hon~ble Sr Chris~ MUSGRAVE } 8 : 10 : 0 Bart att Whit~de 1705 for whose use } I say Recd the sd sum of } Test per me [signed] Jeff: BECK:
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