1707 11 10 : Rents received at Hartley

19 Nov 1707. RENTS RECEIVED AT HARTLEY. Bundle 4, Doc 35. 24 cm x 20 cm. Folded in half. Edges dirty and crumpled. 2 small holes. Acct o[f th]e Rents Recd att severall Times att Hartley &c~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sept th 18 1707 Acct of the money Recd for Rent due from the Tenants & farmers att hartley of the lands of Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Bart John ROOKEING 02 0 0 John FARLAM 06 5 0 Wm UBANK 04 10 0 Tho WALLER 02 13 3 Rich TOMPSON 06 10 0 Thomas HUTCHINSON 02 10 0 Mark PEACOCK 3 pounds } per yet Annind [?] in the act } 06 00 0 Thomas NICHOLSON 08 00 00 John TEBAY 09 07 0 Tho ROBINSON [ ] 00 0 16 17 of Oct 1707 Tho WILLIAMSON in part of his Fine & Robt & Eliz RACKSTREW 10 0 0 John MARTINDLE 10 0 0 Robt COWSTON 00 17 6 John WALLER 06 05 0 Chr HARKER 07 0 0 Tho ELLIOT per woods [?] 05 0 0 Rich TOMPSON 06 0 0 Tho HUTCHINSON Junr 04 0 0 John MORLAND 35 17 0 [possibly corrected to 05 17 0] Tom HUTCHINSON 02 10 06 [??] Eliz SPENCER 01 15 0 [?] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nov the 18 19 1707 Wm HUTCHINSON 05 10 0 Mark PEACOCK 08 00 0 ∞ Tho HUTCHINSON 01 13 4 ∞ Rich DEETON 04 12 6 ∞ Eliz RUD 01 09 0 ∞ Tho WALLER 04 0 0 ∞ Chr HARKER 05 10 0 ∞ Rich TOMPSON 12 00 0 ∞ Chr TODD 01 10 0 ∞ Wm BELL 05 15 0 ∞ Wm UBANK 09 00 0 Geo FRANKLAND 03 10 0 Robt ASHLIP & Tho DENNISON 09 00 00 ∞ John TEBAY 09 17 0 ——————— Wm ROOKING 00 2 6 & John UBANK 00 10 9 & Robt ASHLIP 09 00 0 his omitted till } the ne netly [?] acct } Memord~ that Chr HARKER } his to pay for the hay meddow } of the high ashes att hartly: } 02 : 7 : 00 over and above moweing of the } Low ashes the sum of }