1707 11 24 : Money received at Edenhall in November 1707

24 Nov 1707. MONEY RECEIVED AT EDENHALL IN NOVEMBER 1707. Bundle 5, Doc 9. 32 cm x 20 cm. Left edge crumpled. Some damp staining. Some scribbled calculations on back page not transcribed. Ednall in Com~ Cumberland A particular acct of the money Recd for the hon~ble Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Bart in th month of novrbr Anno 1707 Remaining in my hands upon th last } months acct the sum of } 04 07 00 Nov th 17 1707 Recd of Anthony CARR in part of his Rent } for Skeugh farme due midsommer 1706 th } 09 10 0 sum of } Nov th 17 1707 Recd of Thomas WILSON in part for four fatt } oxen the sum of } 10 00 0 Nov th 19 1707 Recd of Wm HUTCHINSON in part of Rent for } Great Sellering due marts 1706 the sum of } 05 : 10 : 0 Nov th 19 1707 Recd of Mark PEACOCK in part of Rent for } Great Sellering due Marts 1706 & Whit de 1707 } 08 0 0 Nov th 19 1707 Recd of Thomas HUTCHINSON for the Rent of } Midle Sellering due Whit de 1707 the sum of } 01 13 4 Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Chr TODD in part for Rent for Musgra’ } Milne due mich~as 1706 the sum of } 01 10 0 Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Rich DEETON in full of one fine per } lands in Great Musgrave the sum of } 04 12 6 Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Eliz RUD in full of one fine per lands } in Great Musgrave the sum of } 01 9 0 Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Thomas WALLER in part for the } Customary Rent of Great Musgrave due Witsontid } 04 0 0 1707 the sum of } Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Chr HARKER in part of Rent for Ladfoot } Farme due martinmas 1706 the sum of } 05 10 0 Nov th 23 1707 Recd of Rich TOMPSON in part of his Rent for } Longrigg Farme due marts 1706 the sum of } 12 0 0 Nov th 24 1707 Recd of Willm~ BELL in part of the Customary } Rents of Hartley due marts last past the sum o } 05 15 0 Nov th 24 1707 Recd of Wm UBANK in part of the price per } 2 bulls & 13 Scotch Cowes the sum of } 09 0 0 Nov th 24 1707 Recd of Geo FRANKLAND in part of his } fine per lands in Great Musgrave the sum } 03 10 0 Nov th 24 1707 Recd of Robt ASHLOP and Tho NORTON [?] } in Butcher in part per four fatt Oxen the paym } 12 0 0 Nov th 24 1707 Recd of John TEABE in part of the Customary } Rents of Soulby due Whit de 1707 the sum of } 09 17 0 ———————— 108 3 10 004 7 0 ———————— 112 10 10 ———————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Acct of Mr Wm SIMPSONS with Chr MUSGRAVE Esqr Touching the Rent of Smerthrst [?] Temt [?] in New Hutton in the County of Westmorla~ Mr SIMPSON his Debts To one halfe yeare Rent thereof due Marts 1704 4 – 0 – 0 To Dtto one halfe yeare Rent due May Day 1705 4 – 0 – 0 To Dtto one halfe yeare Rent due Marts 1705 04 – 0 – 0 To Dtto one halfe yeare Rent due May 1706 04 – 0 – 0 p 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Contra Credits by assessments allowed for one year Ending May 1705 } per as per hunning [?] } 0 18 2 by assessments & repairs allowed for one yeare } Ending May 1706 per as per hunning [?] } 1 17 6 By 43 [?] Char panns sent by yor hnds [?] under novr [?] } th 1706 } 3 16 0 —————- 6 11 8 —————- to ballance 9 8 4 —————-

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