1730 12 16 : Soulby Court Baron verdict

16 Dec 1730. SOULBY COURT BARON VERDICT. Bundle 1, Doc 10. 33 cm x 21 cm. Small tears where file folds meet edges. Soulby Verdict 16th. December 1730 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maner~ de } Cur~ Baron~ ac Cur~ Dimission~ cum Cur~ Customar~ Soulby } Chr~i MUSGRAVE Barr~ti D~ni Man~ij prd~ tent~ apud Soulby in & pro Man~io prd~ decimo sixto die Decembr~ Anno D~ni 1730. Per Thomam SIMPSON Gen~ Seneschall~ Car~ ibm~ No~ia Jur~ ad inquirend~ pro D~no Man~ij – Thomas STEWARDSON Jur~ Leonardus COLLIN } Joh~es TEBAH } Thomas LAMB } Thomas BELL } Ric~us ROGERSON } Jur~ Joh~es WILLSON } Jur~ Cuthb~tus ROBINSON } Chris~ BELL } Matheus BOWSFIELD } Georgius LONGSTAFF Jur~ Joh~es GRANGER } Henr~us BURSEY } Jur~ Ric~us CANTLEY } Qui quidem Jur~ jurat & on~at dicunt & prsentant super Sacra~ sua in hijs anglicanis verbis sequen~ vizt. Des: George FRANCKLAND and we find his son Ambras heir to A parshell of land Iend: Rent 2s – 0d – 0 the widd~: one third of the same more Arbb~: rent 2s – 9d – ob – 2 Bodells which is tow parts parts May ye 6 1731 [signed] Thomas STEWARDSON [signed] Thomas LAMBE [signed] John TEBAY [signed] Richard ROGERSON [signed] Thomas BELL Cuthbt. ROBINSON C R [signed] John WILSON [signed] Thos. WHARTO Christo BELL B mark [signed] George LONGST Leonard COLLIN Γ

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