1683 12 06 : Receipts and disbursements at Kepier, Co. Durham

06 Dec 1683. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AT KEPIER, CO. DURHAM. Bundle 3, Doc 7. 38 cm x 29.5 cm. Folded in half. A bit rough around the edges and one small and one larger tear. Receipts and Disbursments att Keepare the 6th: of Decembr. 1683 Sent by OFFEY 20: March 83/4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepare Rents and Arreares due } to Sr. Chr~: MUSGRAVE att Mart~ } 1683 Ould Arreares £ : s : d Coales on Banck by MARSTON and Jo~: HORNE 09 = 11 = 06 Tho~: DOWSON for Beast gates 01 = 10 = 00 Mr. HUBBACKs ould arreare 00 = 13 = 04 Wm: COLLIN in prt: of Bill 01 = 12 = 00 Jo~: CLAYTON by Bill 05 = 05 = 04 Jo~: HORNE and HEAVISIDE for gin Locke 00 = 10 = 00 Tho~: BEDFORD for Kill and Maulthouses 00 = 11 = 03 Jo~: HORNE for Gullring Charge 08 = 04 = 03 Tho~: BEDFORD for north white leases 03 = 05 = 06 Tho~: BEDFORD for Kill and Maulthouses 00 = 11 = 03 ———————— 32 = 02 = 05 Arreares of Whit~: 83: ———————— Wm: HUNTER for his Farme 12 = 05 = 00 Jo~: MARSTON for Sherrife Cloase & 2 Litle Cloases 13 = 10 = 00 13 = 10 = 00 Mr: HILTON and TALOR for Hoolemeadows 03 = 02 = 06 Jo~: MARSTON for Burn=gill Banck & Brick Kill 05 = 10 = 00 05 = 10 = 00 Mill Rent due att Candl: 82: and May day 83 17 = 10 = 00 17 = 10 = 00 Tho~: BEDFORD for Kill and Maulthouses 01 = 02 = 06 01 = 02 = 06 Tho~: BEDFORD for Read house 01 = 15 = 00 Colliary Rent due att Candl~: 82: & May day 83 25 = 00 = 00 25 = 00 = 00 ———————— 79 = 15 = 00 ———————— Chri: JOLLY for North Coney garth 06 = 02 = 06 06 = 02 = 06 Wm: HUNTER for his Farme 29 = 05 = 00 20 = 00 = 00 Jo~: TEASDALL for South white Lease 08 = 00 = 00 08 = 00 = 00 JACKSON and HOWGILL per South Coney garth 05 = 05 = 00 05 = 05 = 00 Richard CHIP CHASE for North Whitelease 07 = 10 = 00 07 = 10 = 00 Mr: DUCK per Crow Orchard & other parcells 05 = 10 = 00 05 = 10 = 00 Jo~: MARSTON per Sherrife Cloase & 2 Litle Cloases 13 = 10 = 00 Tho: ALLINSON & partrs: per Seamans Cloase 06 = 10 = 00 06 = 10 = 00 Raiph WESTGARTH per Entr: Comon Hoolemeadows 05 = 10 = 00 05 = 10 = 00 Jo~: MARSTON per Burn=gill banck & Brick=garth 05 = 10 = 00 Wm: HILL per ⅓ part of Lime Kill Cloase 04 = 00 = 00 04 = 00 = 00 Mills Rent due at Lam~as and Mart~. 83 34 = 05 = 00 34 = 05 = 00 Tho~: BEDFORD for Kill and Maulthouses 01 = 02 = 06 Tho: BEDFORD for ye Read house 01 = 15 = 00 Colliary Rent due att Lam~as and Mart~: 83 25 = 00 = 00 ————————- 158 = 15 = 00 ————————- Tho: HEVISID per Hearths belonging ye Colliary 00 = 10 = 00 00 = 10 = 00 Millrs: per 3 Chimneyes 00 = 03 = 00 00 = 03 = 00 Wm: HUNTER per 2 Chimneyes due Mich 83 00 = 02 = 00 ———————— 00 = 15 = 00 ———————— Rec~ed Sum~a Tot~: 271 – 17 – 5 in money 165 – 18 ———————— ————————- Rests & ye Ballance to be } 105 – 19 – 5 165 = 18 = 00 rec~ed: } ———————— ————————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disbursments att Keepare from Whitsontide 1683 till the 6th: of Decembr. 1 : 1683 £ : s : d Expences in my Journey to Durh~ 23th of August 1683 00 = 02 = 09 6th: of July Pd: Lady day hearth money 01 = 03 = 00 24th: of July Pd: Mr: SALVIN 14 = 15 = 00 25th of August Pd: Mr: SALVIN moore 17 = 00 = 00 1th of Septemr: Pd: Mr: SALVIN moore 19 = 00 = 00 1th of Novemr: Pd: Mr: SALVIN Colliary Rent due Cand~: 82 and may 83 25 = 00 = 00 July and August poore sesse 01 = 00 = 10 24th: of Septr: A Sesse for the Malitia 01 = 05 = 00 16 of Octobr: A Sesse for Repairs of ye Church 02 = 00 = 00 Septembr: and October poore Sesse 01 = 00 = 10 for a post Letter 00 = 00 = 02 for : 120 : Foote of planck for repaireing ye Litle Dam 01 = 00 = 00 Left with Wm: HILL to pay for Milstons 10 = 00 = 00 Earnest for the Milstons 00 = 01 = 00 Spent when we went to see them 00 = 01 = 00 for a Cart Leading Stoones to ye high wayes 3 dayes 00 = 04 = 00 for my horse 8: dayes hay and oates 00 = 02 = 06 Spent with Farmers in ale 00 = 02 = 06 given Servants att Keepare 00 = 01 = 00 my diett. 8: dayes in Decembr: & 3 in August 00 = 05 = 00 2 nights Charges att Barnard Castle 00 = 03 = 03 ———————— in all 94 = 07 = 10 ———————— { Received 165 = 18 = 00 } 6th: of Decembr: { Pd: out of it 94 = 07 = 10 } 71 = 10 = 02 1683 { ————————- } { Resting to Ballance 71 = 10 = 02 } ————————- Ex.