1684 07 04 : Thomas MOTH's receipts and expenses account

04 Jul 1684. THOMAS MOTH’S RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Bundle 3, Doc 8. 29 cm x 19 cm. 2 small holes. Tho MOTHs Account ending ye 4th July 1684 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received from ye 7th. of June till ye 4th. of July 1684 Inclusive Ballance of ye last } Acctt } 696 = 14 = 11 June ye 11th: Rec~ed: of Mr: GREENWOOD & } DAWSON wch: came from Mr: } 005 = 02 = 06 SALVIN wth: Mr: MUSGRAVEs 50£ } June ye 24: Rec~ed: from ye Rt: Honoble: } ye Earle of Thennitt } being Rent due from Mr. } 048 = 00 = 00 John DARBY } Received of Mr: Symon } MUSGRAVE per a bill on } 100 = 00 = 00 Mr: Rich~: SAVAGE } ————————- 849 = 17 = 05 ————————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disbursed for ye house from the 7th: of June till ye 4th: of July 1684: Inclusive s d June ye + 7th: For the house 06 = 01 = 09:½ } + 14: Ditto 04 = 14 = 00:½ } £ s d + 21: Ditto: 05 = 02 = 01:½ } 22 = 02 = 00 + 28: Ditto 06 = 04 = 00:½ } + For Mum & wine: 03 = 08 = 09 + For Sope & Starch 00 = 04 = 04:½ + For necessaryes 01 = 05 = 05:¾ + For Coales 01 = 00 = 06 + For Tho~: RICHARDSON 00 = 03 = 06: + For Servants wages & Cloaths 22 = 15 = 06 + For repaires & Taxes 06 = 02 = 00 + For on horse & ye Stable 13 = 17 = 02: pd: to my lady & others 27 = 15 = 00 + For letters 00 = 13 = 09 + pd: Mr: Christo~: quarteridge: 08 = 16 = 00 + pd: for Mr: Jos~: quarteridge 00 = 17 = 00 —————————— 109 = 01 = 00:¼ ——————————- ball~: – 740 = 16 = 04:¾ ——————————- 849 = 17 = 05: ——————————-