1700s early (B05D19) : Request to carry a message with the price of wood
Early 1700s. REQUEST TO CARRY A MESSAGE WITH THE PRICE OF WOOD. Bundle 5, Doc 19. 19 cm x 7 cm. Undated. Remains of small red seal. Scribbled calculations on back not transcribed. Thos NELSON at Hartley Castle These [?] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soulby 18 April Wednsday Blatarne 19 20 } Cos Hartley 19 } My Master has Writt to ye Maior of } Kendall to send to you the price of Boards } and Wood &c athere, which you must carry } to one Mr. MUNCKHOUSS at ye Heaning, who is } valueing the Wood there. Yours &cto. } pardon haste [signed] C GIBSON
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