1709 02 : Incomplete steward's account for Edenhall

Feb 1708/9. INCOMPLETE STEWARD’S ACCOUNT FOR EDENHALL. Bundle 4, Doc 43. 32 cm x 20 cm. Very dirty, lots of damp staining, one hole and areas of thinning of paper. Unless indicated by empty square brackets, the empty parts of the right column were blank in the original. From July 30th 1708 To Februar[ ] A perticuler acct of The money paid and [ ] f[or] the Hon[ble] Sr Christopher MUSGRA[ ] Edenhall Augt 13 1708 5 Scotch Cowes 05 [ ] Augt 13 1708 1 Scotch Bull 01 16 00 Augt 18 1708 2 Steares 06 19 00 Sept 2 1708 8 Winttering Rinns [?] 02 16 00 Octr 16 1708 8 Winterring bullocks 16 10 00 Octr 16 1708 4 Winttering oxen 15 00 00 Octr 28 1708 2 Winttering oxen Octr 28 1708 1 Ram Novr 16 1708 Two bushell & a half of seed Rye Jan 28 1708 Twenty Bushell of seed oats Augt 12 1708 To John TINKLER per bread and Wine att the sacramt Sepr 27 1708 To John WILLIAMSON & Humphrey DALTON for the second Quarterly land Tax in the } yeare 1708…………………………………………………..} Novr 16 1708 To James NELSON for one halfe yeare } Window Tax due Michas 1708…………..} Novr 16 1708 To Dtto asessmt. per decayed Bridges Decr 18 1708 To John WILLIAMSON per the Third Quarterly land Tax in the yeare 1708 Decr 29 1708 To Tom JOHNSON [ ]eder service