1707 : Boons let in Edenhall demesne

1707. BOONS LET IN EDENHALL DEMESNE. Bundle 5, Doc 4. 37 cm x 16.5 cm. Some tears along file folds. The address on the back is in a different handwriting. To Mr. Rowland GIBSON at ye Office of Ordnance at ye Tower London ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The acct of the boons let within the Demaine of Edl. per anno 1707 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A particular of the names of those persons that farmed boons in the mains belonging to the honble~ Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Bart Anno 1707 Humphrey DALTON one boon 01 – 2 – 0 John GEDLEING one boon 01 – 2 – 0 11s Wm STEPHENSON & Frances TODD 1 – 2 – 0 per Fra TODD John DALTON one boon 1 – 2 – 0 William CALLAN one 1 – 2 – 0