1700s early (B04D37) : Steward's draft letter to Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE

Early 1700s. STEWARD’S DRAFT LETTER TO SIR CHRISTOPHER MUSGRAVE. Bundle 4, Doc 37. 32 cm x 20 cm. Dirty in parts and some damp staining. Mice have nibbled away one corner of the folded document leaving two large holes. Deteriorating handwriting with numerous corrections, some of it (particularly on second page) extremely difficult or impossible to read. The initials “J. BE” probably stand for Jeffrey BECK. Honrd Sr I have lately writ above 170 lettrs To the Tenants of Hartley Soulby Great and little musgrave Blatarne and Ednall That are in arreare with there Generall Fyne To prepare itt againest [ ]esday the Tweneth and Twenty first of this Inst [ ] and in my lettr Told them I was commanded [ ] requesst them To take that for notice if they did not then pay (there noates wd be speedly sued) amongest the Rest I sent one to Mr THORNTON of musgrave whoe is 9 pound in arrerae & whoe I understand he takes itt very Ill and has Told all The Tenants of musgrave he is confident I have had no such command from yor honr. unless maliciously Instigated & so he writes so to me) or yor honr strangely altered in yor selfe) what this Considret [?] & covetious Gentleman meanes by all this I cannot Tell I am sure he is fyned as moderately as any in that mannor and I am sure the able to pay itt with the first for amny [?] of his neighbours are beholden him for money and I understand he is calling some in all in that he can Gett to obstrult [?] them be paying ther delay [?] & was allways during the during [?] the Tenants when I was formerly there upon Prensts Presenet [?] the Fynes I presume he will Mr THORNTONs Threat is me will writ to yor honr about that lettr but not one line That some Eite [?] soone [?] but what every writs I am under a great apprelapa [?] [ ] a faire hearing itt will which I am [ ]o marhily [?] surprized att haveimg acted noz [?] [ ] anything but what yore honr derects & commands [ ] in yor lettr dated the 2 of octobr last so that p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [first line completely illegible, also has large hole in the middle] to my master pay[ ] so youe and THOMPSON and youe [ ] to make yor Csayd [?] yo** Price of last [?] [ ] of my Intak [?] I look on srinyim [?] [ ]in his for those yet [?] To have been Certend [?] we hope you & the [?] above Gett served nor doe I send them any thing pd J. BE Sr I have Read avery Straye both side yor Rufflined and afadanneing [?] Stuff but that which of itt ther Relates to me I shall answer itt att approper time and will att all times Jstifie [?] what my what I speke to you hersed youe will all att in his Good Company att pensly [?] as to my honrd mastrers pt of yor lettr pray let Mr THOMPSON and you make yor charges *** Know any matters floock of sheep on musgrave common has since Johart [?] been forward mor [?] wee umer*rs [?]