1700s early (B05D11) : Letter requesting lead from Hartley

Early 1700s. LETTER REQUESTING LEAD FROM HARTLEY. Bundle 5, Doc 11. 20.5 cm x 18 cm. Crumpled edges. Undated, but in Jeffrey BECK’s handwriting. One side has a heading not really relating to the rest of the document and a short list of people employed. The other side has a (draft) letter. Stewards Accots. Receipts &c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the house Mrs Jane and her asstants For the Garden COCKERBURN [?] & BLAINE and aweeders For harow Jos: & DALTON For manner 3 fillers one stetter [?] & one Edirn [?] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nasome anete [??] Thomas NELSON I have lately Recd orders for Repaireing the lead on the Westeran Tower att Ednall and in order thereto am to bring hether what Lead is Lying att Hartley so youe must goe to the Bayliffe of Hartley Soulby and Musgrave to sommon the Ratchees [?] (and tell them) If they Ratches bring itt to Ednall they shall have the ancient allowance youe must also order some to take down the old larger & les [?] Lead boyler which must likewise be Cut in peces and brought hether to make up the wants here this must be done this week If the Ratches Cannet bring itt you must hire itt as Cheap as you can for itt should be done before our masters be her Sr Chris~ is already come out of town but is to stay some time in Lancashire I think to be with youe about mundy come seven nights and pray in the mean time tell RUD NICHOLSON WALLER PENRITH [?] and all the Rest in yor tome [?] I due Expect money from them Tell Wm HARKER to come hither