1712 07 29 : Pay receipt for walling in Great Selleron

29 Jul 1712. PAY RECEIPT FOR WALLING IN GREAT SELLERON. Bundle 4, Doc 32. 20 cm x 8.5 cm. Some damp staining. An unrelated partial scribbled calculation on the back has not been transcribed (seems to belong to a different bill). Receipt for Six Roods of Fence Walling in Great Selleron ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July ye 29th. [corrected from 25] 1712 Received from Sr Christopher } MUSGRAVE Barrt. By the Hand } £ – s – D of Mr Jeffrey BECK the Sum~ } of Eighteen Shillings being in } 00 – 18 – 00 full for getting Stones Leading & } walling of Six Roods of wall } for a Beilding in Great Selleron. } Received per nobis [signed] Will HUTCHINSON [signed] Will HUTCHINSON Tho HUTCHINSON Juiner his Mark O
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