1712 05 17 : List of dropping fines and rent received

17 May 1712. LIST OF DROPPING FINES AND RENT RECEIVED. Bundle 4, Doc 36. 20 cm x 16.5 cm. Very faint writing and some damp staining. Numerous calculations on the back have not been transcribed. “Dropping fine” is another expression for entry fine. May 17 1712 Money Recd upon the acct of Droping Fynes and Rent Robt WILSON Soulby Droping Fyne 01 0 0 John TEBAY 10 13 11 2 Dtto 00 15 11 2 Dtto services 03 6 7 Chris WILSON Droping Fyne 01 8 0 Wm SCAIFE dr Fyne 2 12 0 John FINLIMSON [?] the same 1 16 10 Jeff WESTLEY the same 01 01 0 Tom SCAIFE 04 10 0 Robt BUSFIELD 03 07 0 Geo PARK 08 05 8 Mich STEADMAN 02 4 4 John MARTINDALE 13 03 3 Dtto 00 11 1 margett [?] RUD 04 10 0 ——————— 59 4 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wm DENNISON } £ Security per } 2 : 10 : 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soulby 96 Hartley 167 = 2 = 8 Blatarne 166 = 1 = 0 2 ————————- 429 = 3 = 8 2 ————————-