1678 03 20 : Soulby Court Baron court roll

20 Mar 1677/8. SOULBY COURT BARON COURT ROLL. Bundle 1, Doc 4. 39 cm x 31 cm. Folded in half to make 4 pages. Folded together with Doc 3, the two documents being stuck together with a pin. Court Rowle of Soulby March 20th 1677 8 20o. Marcij 1677 This Court ajornes from this weeke to 3 weekes till the first of october next at which time the Jury is Required to Give an exact accommpt of all prsentments now mad or that shall be mad to them before and the said day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mannor of } Tennents Arbitrarey within the said Mannr Soulby } fine —- £ s d £ s d Fe: 2s 8d a Thom FAWSETT ————-Admited———- 0 1 0 —————- 0 15 0 admitted a Robert BOUSFEILD ———admitted———} 0 0 11 2 bodles } [corr. fr. 4] fe: 2s : [?] } } 2 5 0 Admitted a wedow BOUSFEILD per 3 pt -admitted } 0 0 5 4 bodles } assessed a Willm GRAY ———————————————- 1 6 11 admitted a John LOODMAN yonger ——admit——— 0 3 0 qr a Mathew BELL of Humfreys ——————— 0 2 0 r admitted a Rich: ROGERSON ——————ad————— 1 19 3 [corrected from 1 18 9] a Math: BELL of Jameses —————————- 0 13 1 r a James BELL his sonn ——————————— 0 0 5 a Robert ROGERSON ———————————- 0 2 0 admitted a Annas CALVERT wif of Willm CAL — 1 0 10 admitted a John SALKELD —————————————— 0 9 8 admitted a Jenet SALKELD wife of John —————— 0 10 11 a Oliver WALLER —————————————- 0 0 2 admitted a John LOODMAN Senr ——-admitted——- 0 8 4 Georg ATKINSON ————————————- 0 2 10 r asessed [?] admitted a Willm~ STEWARDSON ————————— 0 2 0 r Inroled [?] a Willm~ STEWARDSON per Fullr Milne } White Rent —————————————————-} 0 13 4 admitted a Elinor STEWARDSON wife of Willm — 0 0 6 r a Ch: BELL —————————————————— 1 3 11 a Humfrey BELL ——————————————— 0 6 4 2 6 Admitted a John KNUSTUPP —————————————- 0 3 6 } r 4 bodwels widow KNUSTUB 0 1 3 } 3s 10d 2 bod assessed a Edw: PETTEY ——————————————-} 0 9 3 wedow PETTEY per 3d pt of pt } 8 3 widow PETTEY —- 0 3 0 ———————- 11 10 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mannor of } Tennents Arbitrarey according to Custome } Soulby } of Mannr there } Rents £ s d a Thom PETTEY ————-admited————— 0 9 4 r a James WILSON —————————————— 0 1 4 a Isabell LONGSTAFE widow ——————- 0 15 4 fine offed [?] for 13£ 10s a Grace BLENCARNE wedow ——————- 0 7 8 a Ch: THOMPSON ——————admit———— 0 0 1 a Rob: LONGSTAFE ———————————— 0 1 2 r a Rich: GATE ——————-admited————— 0 11 9 r a Ch: WUTON [meant to be WESTON?] - 0 5 0 a Isabell PETTEY —————————————— 0 2 0 a Willm HARRISON ———-admited———— 0 18 5 qr r a Anthoney SOWERBY ———admitted—— 0 3 10 qr a Elizabeth WILSON wife of Willm~ WILSON ————————————————- 0 0 10 admitted a Rowland PETTEY ———-Admitted———- 0 1 2 r c a Walter WILLAND ————————————- 0 5 6 admitted a Willm~ WARTON ————————————— 0 4 0 r admitted a Mathew COOKE —————————————— 0 3 6 3 5 0 admit a Kathren PETTEY wif of Will PETTEY — 0 10 3 admit a John UNTHANCKE Knowne Arbitrarey 0 9 3 r a More His Improved Rent —————————- 0 11 6 c a Agnes BAILES ——————————————— 0 16 6 c a John DRYBECKE ————————————— 0 5 4 } to be considred on c a Wedow DRYBECKE ———————————- 0 2 8 } Row: KEY —————————————————— 0 2 0 amerced 10d a Georg ROBERTSON ———————————- 0 4 6 r admit a Willm ROBINSSON ———-Admitted——- 0 7 10 ardmit a Thom SIMPSON —————-Ardmitted——- 0 5 0 admdm a Stephen RICHARDSON —————————- 0 4 8 ——————- 8 11 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mannor of } Tennents Arbitrarey there Soulby } £ s d Fines compounded a c Rich GRANGER —————————————- 00 01 00 a Henery FAWSETT ————————————- 00 01 06 a c John PETTEY ———————————————- 00 2 6 Ellis [or Elliz] admitted r lino [Joh erased] WILLANE heies dead - 00 1 6 —————— 2 5 0 que: what her [?] } a John TALYOR —-Admitted—— 0 4 3 they are sarally [?] } a Edward TALYOR —Admitted— 0 5 0 a Thom ROBERTSON ——-admitted———- 0 6 9 r ————— 5 0 0 adm r Willm~ FAWSETT son of Francis -admitted 0 5 0 a John RICHARDSON ——————————— 0 2 0 ——————- 0 15 0 Requested sale til [?] here from here Janet HARTLEY —————————————- 0 1 0 amcd admitted a John TEBAY ——————admitted————- 0 1 6 admitted a Myles BENSON ————admitted————- 0 3 3 ——————- 2 15 0 admitted a George FELTON ———-admitted————- 0 0 2 ——————- 00 2 6 ———————— 1 : 14 : 5 ———————— Cottagers Arbatrarey within the said Mannr there Rents sett downe with there names in the former call or Rowle a Rich: LOODMAN a Rob: HARISON a Margrat FELTON qu a Barnard DOWTHWAITE Senr a Thom FAWSETT a John LOODMAN younger a Stephen RICHARDSON a John DRYBECKE Rich: GRANGER George FELTON a Jan WILSON wife of Jo: WILSON:/ The names of the Jury / Rowland ORTON ——————— Jur / Richard ROGINSON } / Christopher BELL } Jur / Richard GRANGER } xxd / John HARISON ● } xxd amerced / Matthew BELL ● } amcd xxd John UNTHNKE ● } amerced xxd / Richard GATTS ● } ● Jur / Robert BURSEY ● } amerced r Philip RUDD ● } / Wiliam STUARTSON ● } / Edward PETTEY ● } Jur / Christopher ROGERSON ● } xxd / Oliver WALLER ● } / William HARISON ● } Jur amced Matthew COOKE 3£ : 5s This Court ajrned till wedensday the 27th Instant:/ 8 c 3 4 4