1730s - 1790s : Letter accompanying petition of Inglewood tenants

Mid 1700s. LETTER ACCOMPANYING PETITION OF INGLEWOOD TENANTS. Bundle 4, Doc 44. 32 cm x 20 cm. Not dated (Sir Philip was Baronet 1735-1795), and seems chronologically out of place in this bundle. The originally annexed petition is no longer with the letter. Inglewood Tenants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Sr Phillip MUSGRAVE Bart Thesd [?] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr this Petition annexed being intended (as it appeares) to be offerred when yu were in the Countrey, in your absence Wee could not oppose the unportunitye of the Peticone wth so sevrall others whome we disswaded from any thoughts of any addresse to his Matie with any numbers, but thought it fitter now you being at London solelye to recom mend it to yu, that yu may, if you soe please present the substance of their petition to his Matie as a proper subiect for his Maties Grasp and Clemency. since Wee, may assur yu That upon good information the substance thereof is Trueth; for that there hath beene nothing Answeared of what is nowe Demanded for many Ages nor ever payd in any tyme that wee can heare of, And therefore the Preventing of this Innovation (as it is conceived to be) would much in large the hearts of the People, which wee submitt to yor owne way of Information being as well knowne to yor selfe as to many of us, And Sr beleive it yt will doe his Matie noe lesse Right (wherein soe many are concerned) then the poore people there, who are much afflicted wth the sence of it, which wee submitt to yor prudence amd remaine Sr yor very humble servants, [signed] Geo: FLETCHER [signed] John LOWTHER [signed] Will~: LAYTON
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