1711 08 : Mowers' and haymakers' wages
Aug 1711. MOWERS’ AND HAYMAKERS’ WAGES. Bundle 5, Doc 24. 32 cm x 19.5 cm. Quite dirty on the back, and some damp staining. One side has the mowers’ and haymakers’ wages, and the other drafted requests (presumably from Jeffrey BECK to Christopher MUSGRAVE). Mowers and Haymakers Charge July & Augt 1711 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A particular acct of the Charge of mowing and haymaking the meadow ground att of Edenhall demesne & hay makeing July & Augt 1711 Mowers Hay makers days s days s d Wm STEPHENSON 18 0 : 18 0 Mary BLAINE 17 5 = 8 Thomas ROBINSON 18 0 18 0 Barbrey BLAINE 14 4 = 8 James BLAINE 21 1 01 0 Mary MILNER 19 2 6 = 6 Edw NELSON 9 0 9 0 Jos VARTY 6 2 1 = 4 Tho SHEAREBURNE 16 0 16 0 Wm DALTON 2 2 0 : 10 Chris~ ROBSON 6 0 06 0 John BLAINE 15 2 7 = 9 —————- Sara DENNY 19 2 6 = 6 4 : 08 : 0 Mary SHEAREBURNE 12 4 = 0 Haywt [?] of on oven [?] } John SHEAREBURNE 19 7 = 6 Each 24 days } 3 : 12 Steph TODD 2 2 1 = 8 his horse 3 days 1 – 0 Hay makers Cathrine ROBSON 8 2 = 8 days s d Eliz ROBSON 16 5 = 4 Margret SMITH 15 2 05 = 2 Mark GRISDALE 4 1 = 0 Henery TINKLER 14 05 = 6 Wm CALLAN 6 4 = 0 Wm JOHNSON 19 09 = 6 Mary CALLAN 12 2 4 = 2 Mary JOHNSON 18 2 06 = 2 Daniel PARKER 6 2 = 0 Chris~ DALTON 19 09 = 6 Christo ROBSON 19 2 13 = 4 Eliz DALTON 16 05 = 4 Thomas ROBINSON } Humph DALTON 1 00 = 6 man } 5 01 = 8 Jane LAYTON 16 05 = 4 —————- Mary ROBINSON 16 2 05 = 6 4 = 3 = 7 Eliz JAMESON 16 05 = 4 —————- Mary STAGG 2 00 = 8 4 8 – 0 James SMITH 17 2 05 = 10 4 8 6 Eliz SMITH 18 06 = 00 —————- Jane SMITH 18 2 06 = 02 Tottall 13 = 0 = 1 Mary STEPHENSON 14 04 = 8 Susanna HODGSHON 16 05 = 4 ————- 4 8 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I desire to have made made midle holme may be made into: 3 closes maines into three closes and high holme into 2 closes Sweet Riggs into 1 [corrected from 2] closes and for every 20£ layout Isule [?] new fencs to have added to my Rent yearely 20s or for any other peace [?] of new wall that shall be made in any other pt of the demesne. at Dolphiny build a place house for lying of Cattle in I desire to have a hay Barn Carts [?] house and Calelodge [?] built att Dolphiny which is much wanted by to keep Cattle there for the Tilling & moweing [?] of those Grounds I desire to have the adition to the old barn att Ednall to winnow corn in & to convert halfe of the old barn in to sd Cow house the old cowhouse being ***** standing in covered & not holding above 6 Cowes. for buying & Joveying [?] **** I desire to To keep toled pt To have allowed 50 shillings per ann~ for that pt of ^ Cow [?] house I have order wherein I have No location [?] I desire to To have allowed 50 Shillings per an~ to keep Inner [?] Garden in order To have allowed 40 S for the Deale [?] to be **** att 92 bushell of bigg paid yearly – 40 shilling or the vall of 120£ in cattle or Cost youe please for keeping the house @ 7 Cows 14£ cx for draylin [?] or if you please to have allowed me for this service one on to hundred pounds worth of Cattle Returnes & the like agan att the end of nine years in Inner [?] & Gnabity [?]