1714 08 07 : Two promissory notes

07 Aug 1714. TWO PROMISSORY NOTES. Bundle 4, Doc 19. Two small papers, stitched together with string and also pinned. 16.5 cm x 10 cm and 16.5 cm x 8.5 cm. John EDGER note for 12s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August ye 7 day 1714 I Promis to pay to Sr Chr MUSGRAVE or Ordr the Sume of Twelve Shillings for Value Recd. in Grass for Mr Joseph GRAHMs Cattle, as Wittness my hand this Seaventh day of Augt 1714 Test John EDGR L Mark [signed] William DALTON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John EDGER note for Lent Mony 1£ – 1s – 6d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Augt 1714 Then Borrowed of Chr GIBSON a Guinea, which I promis to pay to him or his order at or upon demand as Witness my hand the day and year first Writt Test John EDGER L Mark [signed] William DALTON
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