1707 08 31 : Edenhall Accounts for the month of August 1707

31 Aug 1707. EDENHALL ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1707. Bundle 5, Doc 1. 31 cm x 21 cm. Folded in half. 2 small holes and a larger tear/hole. Acct for the month of August 1707 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall in Com~ Cumberland. A perticular acct of the money Recd for the honble Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE in the month of August. Anno Dom~i 1707. £ s d August th: 2: 1707 Recd. of Auther [Anther?] GIBSON for the } grass of scotch Cattle } 00 06 06 August th: 2: 1707 Recd of Tho WILSON for 2 fatt } Bullocks the sum~ of } 07 19 00 August the 4: 1707 Recd of John ROOKING in part of Rent } for hartley milne due att lamas day last past } 02 00 00 August the 12 1707 Recd of Tho WILSON for one } fatt bullock the sum of } 04 01 00 [August] the 13 1707 Recd of Mary MATTSON } in part for 30 bushells of Rye the sum of } 03 08 00 August th: 13 1707 Recd of Wm STEPHENSON for } one bushell of Bigg the sum of } 00 04 00 August 13 1707 Recd of Umphrey DALTON for } one bushell of bigg the sum of } 00 04 00 August 13 1707 Recd of Wm Jam’s [?] SMITH for one bushell } of Bigg the sum of } 00 04 00 August th 13 1707 Recd of Umphrey DALTON for } the hay middow in the midle bushes in the maines } 00 05 00 August the 19 1707 Recd of Abraham STOOKS in } part for two fatt bullocks the sum of } 03 00 00 ——————— August 1707 Recd in this month in Cash for the honble } Sr Christophr MUSGRAVE in all the sum of } 21 11 6 ——————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Contra Disbursed for the honble Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE in the month of August Anno Domi 1707 £ s d Disbursed more in the last month then I Recd the sum of 04 00 00 August the 23 1707 Then paid the mowers for mowing the } hay Grounds in Edenhall Demesne as apperes by a } 07 11 00 particular of there names and day works the sum of } August the 26 1707 Then paid the hay workers for makeing } the hay in Edenhall Demesne as appeares by their } [ ] 17 [ ] names and day workes the sum of } August the 30. 1707 Then pd John BOREBANK & John } BLAINE for mossing paynting & Rigging the slate of } 00 16 0 [?] Edenhall the sum of per ut [?] acquittance John BLANE 0 17 6 ——————— Disbursed in all 20 11 9 ——————— Remaines in my hands to ballance 00 19 6 ———————-