1707 07 30 : Receipts and disbursements account

30 Jul 1707. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT. Bundle 5, Doc 20. 29.5 cm x 18.5 cm. Folded in half. Dirty on outside with some tears at edges. Acct with Chr MUS GRAVE for the month of July 1707 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ednall in Com~ Cumberland A particular acct of the money Recd for the hon~ble Sr Christoph~ MUSGRAVE Barrt in the month of July & before Anno Domi 1707 £ s d June th 17 : 1707 Recd of Mr Ch GIBSON } sen~ the sum of } 14 01 6 June th 28 1707 Recd Recd of Mr } Chr: GIBSON sen~ the sum of } 04 16 0 June the 30 1707 Recd of Mr } GIBSON sen~ the sum of } 16 18 6 July the 1 : 1707 Recd of Mr Chr: } GIBSON Jun~ the sum of } 08 14 6 July the 10 1707 Recd of Mr Ch } GIBSON Jun~ the sum of } 25 0 0 July the 28 1707 Recd of Mr } Chr GIBSON sen~ the sum of } 10 00 00 ——————— Recd in cash from Mr GIBSONs } for the hon~ble Sr Ch MUSGRAVE } 79 10 6 as appeares by the perticulars in all } ——————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Contra Disbursed for the honble Sr Chr MUSGRAVE In the month of July and before Anno Dom 1707 June th 17 1707 6 steares Bought att } Penrith price pd } 14 1 0 June the 28 1707 2 steares att Appleby } price pd } 04 16 0 June th 30 1707 6 steares & one cow att } Rossley hill price paid } 16 18 6 July the 1 1707 2 steares and one Cow } att Penrith price pd } 08 14 6 July th 14 1707 10 steares att Rossley hill } price pd } 22 00 0 July th 15 1707 one bull att Penrith } price pd } 02 00 0 July th 29 1707 6 steares att Penrith } price pd } 15 0 0 ——————— Disbursed in all 83 10 6 ——————— Disbursed more in this month then } I have Recd by the acct } 04 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Expence in buying and selling of Cattle in the month of August and before 1707 June the 30 1707 Expences att Rossley hill in } buying 6 steares the sum of } 0 1 0 July the 1 1707 Expences att Penrith } in buying 2 stears and one Cow } 0 0 6 July the 11 1707 Expences Expences att } Hartly in letting the Tyth } £ s d selling the heifer letting the } high ashes and in comeing } 0 2 0 home in attending the } market att Appleby } July the 14 1707 Expences att } Rosley hill in buying ten } steares & Grassing all } 0 04 0 night & afterwards send } ing to Hartley } July 30 Expences in sending 6 steares } to Hartley } 1 6 ————— 0 9 0 —————
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