1681 08 26 : Rents, arrears and disbursements at Kepier, Durham

26 Aug 1681. RENTS, ARREARS AND DISBURSEMENTS AT KEPIER, DURHAM. Bundle 3, Doc 5. Consists of 1 sheet 40 cm x 31 cm folded in half, and inside it another sheet 30 cm x 19 cm. All three pages held together by a pin in the top left corner. Several linear holes (bookworm damage) through all pages. John HORNEs Charge for Rents and Arrears 22d: day of July not discharged but continued till the 24th: of August 1681 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the 24th: } 1681 Jo~: HORNEs Charge for Rents and arreares due att Mart: of June } and Likewise for the rents due att Whit~: 1681 | for Coales on Banck. 19 = 13 = 00 | Ed: HODGSON ould arreare payble: 20s: per quarr: 05 = 08 = 06 | Tho~: DOWSON for Beast gates 01 = 18 = 00 ould | Tho~: DANBY by Bill and new Condition 05 = 13 = 09 : 02 : 12 : 6 Arreares | Mr. WANLASSE 00 = 05 = 00 | Mr. HUBBACK 00 = 13 = 04 | Will~: COLLIN in part of a Bill 01 = 12 = 00 | Jo~: CLAYTON by Bill 05 = 05 = 04 | Tho~: DANBY f. house rent 01 = 15 = 00 ———————— 42 = 03 = 11 ———————— | Will~: HUNTR. for his farme 29 = 05 = 00 : 10 = 00 = 00 | Mr. HUBBACK for South white Lease 07 = 10 = 00 : 07 = 10 = 00 | Mr. DUCK for severall parcells 05 = 10 = 00 | Tho~: BEDFORD north white Lease 08 = 00 = 00 : 08 = 00 = 00 Rents | Jo~: MARSTON and HORNE for Shreefes Cloase 05 = 05 = 00 : 05 = 05 = 00 due att | Jo~: MARSTON and YEATES for 2 Litle Cloases 02 = 10 = 00 : 02 = 10 = 00 Whitson- | Jo~: LAIN for enter Common Cloase 02 = 02 = 06 tide | Mr. HILTON for hole meadows 03 = 02 = 06 : 03 = 02 = 06 1681: | Jo~: MARSTON for Burnegill Bancke 05 = 10 = 00 : 05 = 10 = 00 | HORNE and HEAVISIDE for gin Dam Locke 00 = 10 = 00 | Tho~: BEDFORD for Kill and Malt houses 01 = 02 = 06 : 00 = 11 = 03 | Tho~: DANBY for gatehouse 01 = 15 = 00 | Ballance of ye Coale Acctt: 21th: of May 1681 03 = 16 = 11 : 03 = 16 = 11 ———————— 75 = 19 = 05 ———————— Balance of Jo~: HORNEs Acctt: the 2d: of } June 1681 that should have been pd: to } 41 = 14 = 07 : 41 = 14 = 07 Mr: SALVIN } mistaken in the Coale Acctt: of the 21th of } May 1681: } 00 = 05 = 08 : 00 = 05 = 08 Ballance of the Coale Acctt: ye. 19th. of } July 1681: } 02 = 03 = 07 : 02 = 03 = 07 ———————— 44 = 03 = 10 ————————- 162 = 03 = 02 ————————- —————- 23 = 2 = 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memord: that ye 26th of August 1681 I doe acknowledg to have recd. 93£ = 2s being the sumes entered in the Last Collum of this acctt: on the other side for which I will be accomptble: to Sr. Christr or his ordr: and will Justifie the arrears unpd: Errour excepted { [signed] John HORNE { [signed] Theophilus WILKINSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Abstract of rents and Arreares due to Sr: Chri~: MUSGRAVE at Keepier the 24th. of August 1681 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Account of Disburst: from 21th of May till ye: 19th of July 1681 £ . s . d Tho~: HOBSON for ye work at Ginn Dam 17 = 00 = 00 Robt: MEABURNE for 10tuns: 3fort: ¼ of wood to ye } Ginn Dam } 22 = 13 = 06 Jo~: ROWELL for Stone worke att ye Dam 17 = 00 = 00 Tho~: NICHOLSON for Bolts and nailes to ye Dam 01 = 00 = 10 for Leading planck to ye Dame 00 = 01 = 00 for Leading four doggs and a piece of Timbr } to ye Dam } 00 = 00 = 06 Tho~: HOBSON for sawing plancks 00 = 04 = 00 ———————— 57 = 19 = 10 ———————— June 30th 2 months assesste: to ye poore of St. Giles 01 = 00 = 10 July 13th: Hearth money 00 = 16 = 00 for Theo: WILKINSON meate and drinke 3 weekes 00 = 11 = 00 for his Horse 3 weekes 00 = 04 = 06 ———————— 02 = 12 = 04 July. ye. 25th: ———————— for a dayes Sincking ye pitt in ye wood 00 = 10 = 08 for drawing the timbrs: and takeing downe ye } Gin } 01 = 00 = 02 Jo~: HORNE quartrs: wagge 05 = 00 = 00 ———————— 06 = 10 = 10 July ye 29th: ———————— Part of Jo~: ROWELLs Bargaine for ye gin Dame 03 = 00 = 00 Jo~: HUDSON for keeping ye: gin 2 weekes 00 = 12 = 00 Jo~: HUDSON getting ould Timbrs out of ye watr } and his daughters dressing ye ground where } 00 = 02 = 00 the frame was wrought } A Sess for repaireing the Church of St. Giles 01 = 00 = 00 August Jo~: ROWELLE more for stone worke att ye } 13th: Gin Dam } 02 = 00 = 00 ———————— 06 = 14 = 00 ———————— ———————- 73 = 17 = 00 ———————-